brwon stuff in tank



Hi, we are new to a saltwater tank and have a few questions. We have a 55 gal. tank with crush coral bottom. I have this brownish stuff growing on most everything from the fake coral rock I have to the back of the tank. I am wondering if this is normal or should I be concerned about this. All of our readings are good except the Nitrites, are sky high. What can I do to help get these to come down? I have read several forums and I noticed I should throw a dead shrimp in there to help my cycle. We have had the tank up and running for 6 weeks. Everything was going good until my husband did a water change, and cleaned the filters in one day. I think he threw us back to step one by doing this all in one day. So I guess what I am wondering is, is the brown stuff good and if not how can i get rid of it. Thank You


So this is normal. Yea!!! Because I just noticed it is also on my live rock. I was also wondering can I kill my live rock?:eek: I hate to kill it because my nitrites are so high. Will the brown stuff stay or will it eventually start to disappear? Thanks for helping me.


It should eventually disappear. Buy a cleanup crew and that will help a lot ( in fact, you should have a cleanup crew)


Ok, will the clean up crew live with the nitrites so high? And what should I think about getting? I would ask the "kid" at the pet store but I am not sure they know much about what I ask them. Any suggestions would be great. Also should I put a bottle of cycle into the water to help lower the nitrites? This was suggested to me to do that and unless it will really help I won't do that. Any help or suggestions would be great thanks again.


I would wait for your system to finish cycling before adding any animals. However look on here under Reef Packages to see what types of animals you should get