
ole o

New Member
I have a 65 gallon reef and I think I have Bryopsis growing on my rocks. Does anyone know how to remove it as well as prevent it from coming back. Thank you


I read a while back that Sacoglossans' eat it. I should also mention I know NOTHING about them, just what they look like and what they eat.


Active Member
algae blenny and mexican turbos will eat it. i believe lettuce nudibranch only eat bryopsis as well. you got to get to the root of the problem though. is it a new tank? are you using RO/DI water? are you using a skimmer?

ole o

New Member
Thank you for the time. My tank is 2 years old and I have a protein skimmer that is on the back top of my tank. Thinking about that I now notice that coraline has grown into the intake strainer for lack of a better word. I dont know if I am getting as much water into the skimmer. My skimmer is producing skum though. I have really cut down on my feeding and even added a rabbit fish. I think that is what they call him but he doesnt touch the stuff.

ole o

New Member
Thank you for the time. My tank is 2 years old and I have a protein skimmer that is on the back top of my tank. Thinking about that I now notice that coraline has grown into the intake strainer for lack of a better word. I dont know if I am getting as much water into the skimmer. My skimmer is producing skum though. I have really cut down on my feeding and even added a rabbit fish. I think that is what they call him but he doesnt touch the stuff. I do use r/0 water.