BT Anemone or Bulb Anemone


can anyone identify this anemone? i just got it 2 days ago from as a bt anemone but it looks like a bulb anemone to me...



i ordered a bta but it doesnt look anything like one just based on picture of a bta, looks like the bulb anemone picture, just a different color

this is a better picture of the middle ...


There is a lot of confusion between common names. Often bta and bulb anemones are used interchangably. They are two different species bta is Entacmaea quadricolor and the bulb is Gyrostoma Quadricolor.
I just coppied this from a reputable online store which has a bta named like this

Bulb Anemone
(Entacmaea quadricolor)
Wish I could help you more with this but
I cannot tell the difference.
Your anemone will need special care to regain it's zooxanthellae.


Originally Posted by Lmecher
There is a lot of confusion between common names. Often bta and bulb anemones are used interchangably. They are two different species bta is Entacmaea quadricolor and the bulb is Gyrostoma Quadricolor.
I just coppied this from a reputable online store which has a bta named like this

Bulb Anemone
(Entacmaea quadricolor)
Wish I could help you more with this but
I cannot tell the difference.
Your anemone will need special care to regain it's zooxanthellae.
Thanks for the site
Ya, im just basing my opinion on the 2 pics on swf.coms site so ... we will wait and see
the body structure of my anemone looks identical to the bulb anemone pic on site not even close to a bta


Did you read SWF's description, I coppied it:
The Bubble Tip Anemone, a.k.a. Bulb Anemone, is a very popular Anemone because it readily hosts most Clownfish species.
Their photo of the bulb looks just like your average bubble tip to me.
If you are refering to it's lack of bubbled tips, that is normal, some do some don't have them, normal.


Originally Posted by Lmecher
Did you read SWF's description, I coppied it:
The Bubble Tip Anemone, a.k.a. Bulb Anemone, is a very popular Anemone because it readily hosts most Clownfish species.
Their photo of the bulb looks just like your average bubble tip to me.
If you are refering to it's lack of bubbled tips, that is normal, some do some don't have them, normal.
if you look at SWF's picture of a BTA and the picture of the bulb anemone they dont look anything alike . thants what i am basing my opion on. Mine looks just like a bulb anemone but different color.


I completely understand what you're saying, I agree with you.
The photo of their bulb anemone looks like a bta too. Here is my bta, it has no bubbled tips right now, I just took this for you. You can compare yours to mine. Aside form the color I think it looks pretty similar to yours.

Ok now here is the same anemone when it is displaying bubbled tips.

rod buehle

I am not certain that it is either. Especially with it being so bleached (seems to be a common thing with SWF shipped anemones) makes ID very difficult. Also its hard to ID from just a photo of the oral disc. A shot of the underside of the oral disc might help.


Originally Posted by Lmecher
I completely understand what you're saying, I agree with you.
The photo of their bulb anemone looks like a bta too. Here is my bta, it has no bubbled tips right now, I just took this for you. You can compare yours to mine. Aside form the color I think it looks pretty similar to yours.

Ok now here is the same anemone when it is displaying bubbled tips.



ok, i see from your pics, its possible it is a bta
do you know how long it takes before it starts looking like a bta? it seems happy