bta acting normal??


Active Member
for some reason my bta shrinks itself at least once every 3 days
like he looks normal but like his foot somhow shrinks
it looks like the bubble tips r the only thing that shows
i cant c his foot and my clowns cant go inside of him
my parameters r
nitrite 0
nitrates 0
amonnia 0
and salinity is at 1.021


Active Member
My bta shrinks up at least once a day, so I guess once every 3 days is a good thing. I would raise the salinit up some though, maybe around 1.025/6


Active Member
i took a look jus now and i can c the foot now but the bubble tips rent bubbles any more ther straght but the clown is still goin inside of it
il jus c wat happens tomrro
ill raise it very slowly
thanks a lot


Active Member
My rose bubble does it once a day, where as my green does it onece in a blue moon.
As long as they open back up and look good, I have no issues.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Perfectly normal.

Yep, but you definitely need to get that sg raised.