BTA acting strange


New Member
Ok so this may sound strange but here it goes any way..... My boyfriend got a BTA from a LFS, it was a small one and he has a 55 gallon tank. This BTA has been MIA for a while, well his tank was can we say "alittle" :scared: neglected for a short time. Anyway this past weekend we were doing a major maintance, he had aptasia
every where. We even found aptasia on his filter in his canister . Well we think we found the BTA in his filter but it was completely white on the head. I took it and put it in my 24 aquapod. Hoping to nurse it back to health.... So now the question. It is now hiding in a cave no where near light of any kind is this a normal stress thing or did I just put an aptasia in my tank????


Did you acclimate to your tank? Give it some time to see if it works itself out. Maybe someone with more experience will ring in with more information.


If they are stressed they have been known to hide. How did it get into a filter without getting torn apart?


New Member
yes I did acclimate him/her...... I have NO clue how it went from tank through tiny slits in the filter cover, then the uv filter and then the impeller out to the filter of the canister. It is only the size of a dime now when we got it originally, I thought it was the size of at least a half dollar. He is thriving in the cave that my fire fish adopted as home. I am alittle worried it may eat my fire fish. But he keeps going in the cave even with the BTA there. Is there anything I should do to help bring this little guy back to his former glory?
Thank EVERYONE for your time


"from tank through tiny slits in the filter cover, then the uv filter and then the impeller out to the filter of the canister" :scared: That is one ride I would hate to be on. Give it some time and it should come out of its hole. Your fire fish should be fine because it should feel the anemones sting if it gets to close. Allthough my star fish was not so lucky and was a little snack for my Bta.


ooh ooh...
Maybe your anemone Split and the other half was either unlucky and got shredded or is still in the 55 gal somewhere


Ok so that is a little strange about the B-day but which one of us is older? The BTA does not look happy. Is it starting to come out anymore than it was? If possible I would try to feed it a little bit and that also might help it move out some more.


New Member
You are by like 11 days
.......... Anyway I am trying to figure out how to feed him. I feed all my corals a mixture of Cyclopeeze, Daphia, and Mysis. with a turkey baster. Cannot get the baster in the cave. Any other suggestions. Or any food you may suggest?


I hate to say it, but IMO he's already too far gone. He's completely bleached and shrunken. I doubt you'll be able to feed him as his tentacles are not sticky anymore. My condi did the same thing, it used to be softball size. However, at least yours is attached to a rock... mine just floated the current.


Active Member
i'd disagree. i got a bta that was hidden in my rocks for over a month back to health. plenty of light, great water quality, and feed it meaty foods.


Sure pick on your elders
. Like renogaw said meaty foods, maybe squid or krill. Can you get a tooth pick into the cave, stab the food and put it into the cave, hopefully that will work.


New Member
Ok got some prime reef cutting it up into small pieces and some Phyto-plex (I think that is what is called). He is still alive and moves alittle in the cave when I shine a flashlight in there. Right now his mouth is puckering not sure if that is good or bad. Wish me luck!!


New Member
TAZ_12777--- NOPE....
no such luck, it is still in the cave. same size same color
I really don't know what to do. All my new corals are doing great thou. Just tried The Fish Place out in Lancaster.
Good thing I only have a 24 gallon.


New Member
Thanks for the support everyone..... I hate to have to say this but my little guy is now MIA. I was out of town for 3 days came back and Mr. BTA has dissappered. I am hoping he just moved but I searched and found no sign of him.
I guess he didn't make it.