BTA and Orange Linka Starfish?


I currently have a BTA in my tank and want to add an Ornage Linka Starfish. Would this be ok or a death sentence for the starfish?


Active Member
I have a bta, lta and a orange linckia in my 75. The bta has never bothered the star. The star has fell off of the glass twice onto the lta but luckily I was here both times to rescue it.


Alyssia...What does your Orange Linka Starfish eat? The Algae off the glass? If so, then I have plenty for it.
Thank you for your response.


Active Member
Linckia stars do not eat algae. They need LR and a lot of it...a minimum tank size IMO is 75 g with at least 100lbs of LR. It needs to be a mature reef and water quality is critical (especially specific gravity). If they survive the first month (from acclimation shock) the next critical period is about a year, when most will die of starvation. :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Linckia stars do not eat algae. They need LR and a lot of it...a minimum tank size IMO is 75 g with at least 100lbs of LR. It needs to be a mature reef and water quality is critical (especially specific gravity). If they survive the first month (from acclimation shock) the next critical period is about a year, when most will die of starvation. :(

yep, I have never seen my linckia eating algae


I have an orange linckia that I ordered from this site. When I got him (Dee Brown is his name), he was fairly small, maybe 3" across. In the 6 weeks that he has been in my 90 gallon with approx 100 lbs of LR he has really fattened out! I have never seen him "eat" anything in particular but he is constantly moving over the LR and some days is climbing up and down the glass. Very active and fun to watch. I am wondering Ophiura, if the blue stars are similar in nature and requirements?


I forgot to add that I also have a BTA and have never seen a problem with the BTA and the star.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MrsTwig
I have an orange linckia that I ordered from this site. When I got him (Dee Brown is his name), he was fairly small, maybe 3" across. In the 6 weeks that he has been in my 90 gallon with approx 100 lbs of LR he has really fattened out! I have never seen him "eat" anything in particular but he is constantly moving over the LR and some days is climbing up and down the glass. Very active and fun to watch. I am wondering Ophiura, if the blue stars are similar in nature and requirements?

I believe the blue linckias are the hardest to keep.