BTA ate firefish??


My co-worker has a beautiful green bta with rose colored tips. She also has a purple firefish and a percula that is hosting the bta. Came in to work this morning and the firefish is MIA. Not a single sign of it anywhere. It didn't jump out (covered tank) but we still checked all around the tank and on the floor. Moved all of the rocks, etc... No "pieces" of it anywhere. Is it possible that the bta ate it?? The bta had moved itself onto the glass above the side that the firefish used to "hide" and hover all day. I'd hate to think that the bta did it, but there is no other "evidence" anywhere in the tank to suggest where it could have gone.

Temp 80.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
PH 8.3
Has anyone ever heard of a bta eating a fish?
That poor little firefish... she was such a beauty!


if it did there was something wrong a healthy fish will 99.9 percent of the time be able to get away from the BTA. I would check the filters and all that 2 . one thing about reef tanks and smaller fish is if they die in the tank the natural clean up crew can quickly take care of a small fish and sometimes you will never know what happened to it.


We had something very similar happen to our fish this past weekend We had two clowns in our tank when we went to bed at night. When we woke up we had one dead clown and one missing clown. We searched our tank over and no fish. The next day we found the skeleton of the missing clown. We had only had the clowns for 4 days and they may have been sick when we received them, but they seemed very healthy. We feel that the anemone or the hermit crabs ate the fish after it died and spit out the skeleton.


Active Member
firefish are jumpers, unless you have a canopy on it check your filter, floor around the tank, etc.


Active Member
my firefish was missing the other evening we looked every where for him my husband and i both and the next morning we got up and he was swimming just a very good hider. maybe urs is too


Active Member
my buddies BTA ate his naso tang, it was a sick specimine when it got shipped in, but its not unheard of for a BTA to eat a fish.