Bta climing the glass.


I have had 1 yellow tailed damsel for over a year. Died a week ago due to me being an idiot and accidentally doubling the salt in the water. My brain said a cup of salt per gallon instead half a cup per gallon. Anyhow I now check the water with a Hydrometer before I add it to the tank. And yes I cried over my lost friend. The only problem I had in that year was red slime and rubbed it away and changed 10% of water every day for 1 week and it went away.
My setup now is the same 10g tank (yes small) with the following items.
150WATT HQI/14,000k METAL HALIDE bulb with uv protecting glass cover (NEW) Was just normal cover that came with All Glass brand aquarium before.
Sand NOT live sand floor. (NEW) Had crushed coral but was too much calcium before.
1 protein skimmer (NEW)
1 standard filter that came with All Glass aquarium.
1 underwater heater.
9 pounds of live rock with brown, red, green, and teal growth on them. (NEW) 1 peace directly under standard filter but has tunnles through it.
1 Percula Clown - Aquacultured (NEW)
1 Clarkii Clown - Aquacultured (NEW)
1 Yellow tail Damsel - Aquacultured (sorry I love them) (NEW)
1 Longfin Sleeper Goby yellow with teal freckles (NEW) Was told he will help clean sand.
1 Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) brown with green and brown tentacles.(NEW)
8 Blueleg Hermits even lived through the salt mishap.
2 Cleaner Shrimp (NEW)
3 Cleaner Clams (NEW)
10 Cerith Snails (NEW) lost my 3 bumble bee snails.
1 damaged looking bell (home to the yellow tail damsel) same as before.
I use distilled water with Instant Ocean salt.
The water temp is +/- 2 degrees per day at 78. Yes I have spent time checking this.
I know this is a LOT as of now and so far have had no problems yet other than a simple one.
My BTA climbed the side of the tank to the top. He goes so far he sticks out of the water a little bit. I don't mind this but I'm worried that he will die from being exposed to the air so much.
I don't think this matters but it is strange that after he pukes or craps whatever you want to call it he seams to smear down the side of the tank. Sorry but it looks like crap scraped on the side of the tank. His tentacles are a pretty bright green when he is this way. I feed him every 3 days and he is about 3 inches at most round. Do you think I should feed him less? Their is little information on this other than feed them between 3 to 7 days.
I also add 1 drop of kent's iodine every 30 days (Have read this helps bta's).
Now I don't know exactly what to do. How do I get the bta off the glass without hurting him or me? Is their a best time to pull him off for example when he like looks like smeared crap or looks bubbled up to take him off the side?
Any hints are appreciated. Also any tips on how to keep him healthy is appreciated.
Here is what I know. GREAT water is a MUST so that is why I have the clams, hermit's snails, and shrimp. I also read I could feed the BTA 1/4th of a frozen shrimp (thawed out). I am feeding him the shredded shrimp in the frozen squares from the pet store as of now since I had purchased 1 package of that. Yup that's it. That is about all I know.
Again any help is appreciated.


You can ease him off pretty easy. He will come off of glass easier than rock. I have never been stung or if I did I never new it. If you are worried wear a latex glove, non powdered. I would put him on a rock about mid tank if he is seeking light he might stay. My condi found a hole in a rock and has never left but my lta moves around alot but never to the top like that. I feed either mysis or my homemade every other day and they seem happy. A sabea will host him if you get one but there are alot that will too. Maybe that will keep him in 1 spot, maybe. They are moody!


Its easier to get an anemone off glass without damaging it than any other surface.


Originally Posted by mcsd22
You can ease him off pretty easy. He will come off of glass easier than rock. I have never been stung or if I did I never new it. If you are worried wear a latex glove, non powdered. I would put him on a rock about mid tank if he is seeking light he might stay. My condi found a hole in a rock and has never left but my lta moves around alot but never to the top like that. I feed either mysis or my homemade every other day and they seem happy. A sabea will host him if you get one but there are alot that will too. Maybe that will keep him in 1 spot, maybe. They are moody!
Isn't a Clarkii Clown, a.k.a. Sebae Clown? That is why I bought it here from


I can't get him loose. I don't want to hurt him so I give up on trying to move him.
I just added a 170 gph power head. Is that too much for a 10 gallon tank? It was the smallest one I have found.
The bta seams to be moving down the glass away from the flow of water now. Maybe that was a good idea.


Originally Posted by wm23oh
I have had 1 yellow tailed damsel for over a year. Died a week ago due to me being an idiot and accidentally doubling the salt in the water. My brain said a cup of salt per gallon instead half a cup per gallon. Anyhow I now check the water with a Hydrometer before I add it to the tank. And yes I cried over my lost friend. The only problem I had in that year was red slime and rubbed it away and changed 10% of water every day for 1 week and it went away.
My setup now is the same 10g tank (yes small) with the following items.
150WATT HQI/14,000k METAL HALIDE bulb with uv protecting glass cover (NEW) Was just normal cover that came with All Glass brand aquarium before.
Sand NOT live sand floor. (NEW) Had crushed coral but was too much calcium before.
1 protein skimmer (NEW)
1 standard filter that came with All Glass aquarium.
1 underwater heater.
9 pounds of live rock with brown, red, green, and teal growth on them. (NEW) 1 peace directly under standard filter but has tunnles through it.
1 Percula Clown - Aquacultured (NEW)
1 Clarkii Clown - Aquacultured (NEW)
1 Yellow tail Damsel - Aquacultured (sorry I love them) (NEW)
1 Longfin Sleeper Goby yellow with teal freckles (NEW) Was told he will help clean sand.
1 Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) brown with green and brown tentacles.(NEW)
8 Blueleg Hermits even lived through the salt mishap.
2 Cleaner Shrimp (NEW)
3 Cleaner Clams (NEW)
10 Cerith Snails (NEW) lost my 3 bumble bee snails.
1 damaged looking bell (home to the yellow tail damsel) same as before.
I use distilled water with Instant Ocean salt.
The water temp is +/- 2 degrees per day at 78. Yes I have spent time checking this.
I know this is a LOT as of now and so far have had no problems yet other than a simple one.
My BTA climbed the side of the tank to the top. He goes so far he sticks out of the water a little bit. I don't mind this but I'm worried that he will die from being exposed to the air so much.
I don't think this matters but it is strange that after he pukes or craps whatever you want to call it he seams to smear down the side of the tank. Sorry but it looks like crap scraped on the side of the tank. His tentacles are a pretty bright green when he is this way. I feed him every 3 days and he is about 3 inches at most round. Do you think I should feed him less? Their is little information on this other than feed them between 3 to 7 days.
I also add 1 drop of kent's iodine every 30 days (Have read this helps bta's).
Now I don't know exactly what to do. How do I get the bta off the glass without hurting him or me? Is their a best time to pull him off for example when he like looks like smeared crap or looks bubbled up to take him off the side?
Any hints are appreciated. Also any tips on how to keep him healthy is appreciated.
Here is what I know. GREAT water is a MUST so that is why I have the clams, hermit's snails, and shrimp. I also read I could feed the BTA 1/4th of a frozen shrimp (thawed out). I am feeding him the shredded shrimp in the frozen squares from the pet store as of now since I had purchased 1 package of that. Yup that's it. That is about all I know.
Again any help is appreciated.
hey i have a 10g to ...and was thinking of geting the mh lighting 150w 14k for it....can you post some pix of your tanks lighting and tank plz


Eak! Had to take out the 170 gph power head. My poor fish and hermits were being pushed around after about 30 minutes. Now I use a little pump. It has an ajustable opening so I can set how much water per hour it will push. And yes I will try and get photos but for some reason they always come out dark and red looking or with red tints to everything. Maybe it is my digital camera. I'll post some in a day or so after I take several shots and pick out the best ones.


Originally Posted by sand125
hey i have a 10g to ...and was thinking of geting the mh lighting 150w 14k for it....can you post some pix of your tanks lighting and tank plz
Here are 5 pic's I took. Remember these are the best photos I have gotten. They suck too!
The first pic is just of the Left side of my tank. My anemone is out of view at the top left corner. And my Longfin Sleeper Goby is hiding in a hole at the bottom of the far left rock.
The second photo is of the Right side of my tank. Even the damsel came out of his hole to get his photo taken.
The third photo is of the entire tank and the mess around it. Note the anemone on the top left corner (look hard). Note the blue color of the water. It does NOT look nearly as dark blue as the photo shows it to be. Note the large black box to the left of the tank. That is the power supply to the 150 watt light.
The forth photo is of a Plexiglas cover I have over my tank so that I don't have to worry about the light fixture getting salt build up on it. This also helps things from getting into the water. I had to raise the light away from the tank since it started to warp the plastic shield the first day. I may need to raise the light again but only time will tell.
And photo number five is of the happy fish. Note: Nemo is going to the anemone (left side) and the other two bar the other clown fish and blue the damsel is just peaking out of his home. Also note the cleaner shrimp has posed for this photo too.
What a shame I can't take better photos.
Anyhow I know it looks bare in their but their is plenty of growth on the rocks that don't show up in the photos.
I also took the bell I had in their out since blue took the hole in the rocks as his home. The 3 clams are hiding under the sand in the front of the tank. You can also see a few snails and blueleghermit crabs running around.
Anyhow that is my tank.



Looks great, you could try a flat thin plastic/rubber scraper to get him off? something with a very thin what they use to mix batter with. If you can get atleast a portion of his foot up, you could then ply him off very gentaly. Compared to how they take them out of the tank at the lfs, you can't do any worse. I've seen them acually rip them from rocks, sides of the tank.. ouch! Try that, but he may just go back there. He's either climbing to get away from something or trying to get more light. Do your clowns and damsel get along peacefully? I have a male damsel in my one tank all by himself, he's was a brat with my O clowns so off he went to the bottom other fish in there with him but I'm thinking about getting him a girlfriend. Good luck and let me know if the scrapper thing worked!


Originally Posted by swlover
Looks great, you could try a flat thin plastic/rubber scraper to get him off? something with a very thin what they use to mix batter with. If you can get atleast a portion of his foot up, you could then ply him off very gentaly. Compared to how they take them out of the tank at the lfs, you can't do any worse. I've seen them acually rip them from rocks, sides of the tank.. ouch! Try that, but he may just go back there. He's either climbing to get away from something or trying to get more light. Do your clowns and damsel get along peacefully? I have a male damsel in my one tank all by himself, he's was a brat with my O clowns so off he went to the bottom other fish in there with him but I'm thinking about getting him a girlfriend. Good luck and let me know if the scrapper thing worked!
My Damsel is alright with all other tank mates as long as they stay out of his home. If they get close or enter he will chase them out and away but only to the edge of the rock.
I'm not worried as long as the bta won't get hurt. He can stay their as long as he wants. I have no need to try and move him and accidently hurt him.