BTA Feeding


Just wondering on what other people do or don't do to feed the bta's. I just got my bta about two weeks ago and when i try to feed him i don't actually see it eating. I have done much research on feeding for my bta and i have come across some mixed info. I have one source saying that bta's will take food such as cyclopses, chopped shellfish, even mysis shrimp. Another source say's they really need no additional feeding because they "filter feed" and especially if a clown fish is present (which in my case there is) they do not need to be fed. This is pretty much the mixed signal i am getting from everything i read into. What are your opinons on feeding bta's??? I have tried to feed mine I just can't tell if it is actually taking the food. Mine sort of retracts itself back between the rocks when i feed.


Active Member
I feel that with proper lighting, feeding is not needed. If you do not have T5 or MH lighting supplimental feeds will be needed. Feed it things like silver sides and raw chunks of shrimp. Make sure anything you feed it is no larger than its mouth. I feed my BTA raw shrimp on a skewer, placing the food in its tenticles allowing it to latch on before twisting the food off the holding device.
What have you tried feeding it? If after two weeks it hasn't taken any food i would be worried (try different types of foods). I wouldn't try anything really small because i've found the anemone won't latch onto the food.
BTA's aren't filter feeds in the definition of the word (well the one i'm thinking of), but with a fish hosting the anemone they will eat the pieces of food brought to it by the fish.


Thanks for your input. I do have T-5 lighting and tonight i tried feeding it some mysis shrimp. I have been doing it with a turkey baster and i am not squirting the food directly toward the mouth for fear of harming the bta and i actually did see some of the shrimp stay locked in its tentacles, but like i said it sort of retracts and i can't tell if it is actually eating them. I mean the anemone looks healthy and it comes out every morning with the lights and opens fully throughout the day and sort of goes to bed when the fish do as it retracts its tentacles to sleep just like when feeding. I guess i will just have to keep an eye on it. It seems to be healthy, I just can't tell if it is eating what i feed it or not. Hopefully my clarkii is doing its job!!! Also, from what i know a bta is not a filter feeder you are right, it is just something i read which goes to say..."don't believe everything you read!"


Active Member
I would stay away from any type of small food - like anything you could squirt with a turkey baster. It retracts probably because of the water pressure when you squirt the water out. Just get some frozen raw shrimp from the store, cut it up into pieces the size of its mouth and place it on the tenticles. When eating you will see the anemone actually close up around the food, and then kinda close up while its mouth kinda bubles out and consumes the food.


Thank you I will try that....but like you said, it is possible that they may not even need additional feeding with good lighting and a clown. Correct? That is what i unerstand from my readings.


Originally Posted by zoogrl03
Thank you I will try that....but like you said, it is possible that they may not even need additional feeding with good lighting and a clown. Correct? That is what i unerstand from my readings.
Agree! The clown will likely take food back to the anemone at feeding time. Between that and your lighting, the bta will be just fine.