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Well can you give us a better description on your lighting? How many bulbs, how many watts per bulb, what kelvin rating (10k, 03 actinic etc.) how big is the tank? The once per week feeding should be alright if your lighting is good enough. If not you can feed it more but in the long run this will just put off the inevitable death of the nem if you don't have at least minimun required lighting.
Agreed, and I will take it one step further and say no PC lighting will be able to keep an anemone. You can tell that the anemone is losing its zooantha (which is a really bad thing). YOu can, look at the first picture and it is a very dark brown color (the zooantha and very healthy sign), then look at the next picutre and it is becoming more of a light brown / whitish color.
Although feedings will prolonge its life, for a long term survival (measure in years with anemones not months) you must have proper lighting.