BTA help please


When I purchased my BTA it looked like this:

and now it looks like this:

Are my lights not strong enough? Do I need to feed it more. It loves Krill. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Well can you give us a better description on your lighting? How many bulbs, how many watts per bulb, what kelvin rating (10k, 03 actinic etc.) how big is the tank? The once per week feeding should be alright if your lighting is good enough. If not you can feed it more but in the long run this will just put off the inevitable death of the nem if you don't have at least minimun required lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Well can you give us a better description on your lighting? How many bulbs, how many watts per bulb, what kelvin rating (10k, 03 actinic etc.) how big is the tank? The once per week feeding should be alright if your lighting is good enough. If not you can feed it more but in the long run this will just put off the inevitable death of the nem if you don't have at least minimun required lighting.
Agreed, and I will take it one step further and say no PC lighting will be able to keep an anemone. You can tell that the anemone is losing its zooantha (which is a really bad thing). YOu can, look at the first picture and it is a very dark brown color (the zooantha and very healthy sign), then look at the next picutre and it is becoming more of a light brown / whitish color.
Although feedings will prolonge its life, for a long term survival (measure in years with anemones not months) you must have proper lighting.


Active Member
In some instances people have kept BTA's with PC lighting but I would say in this case I would agree with Lex. The nem is bleaching and that is not a good sign. If you want to keep such and animal I would consider upgrading your lighting system.


Active Member
Yes I have to agree, I have two anemones under pc lights and they just sustain there. One went to the lfs today after months of waiting for it to let go of the rock it was on. The next one will follow as soon as it comes out from the rock the foot is logged into.
They will survive un pc lights but will not flourish.
If you really want them make sure you have the proper lights for them.


Well I guess my sebae anemone doesn't know it can't live under PC lighting. The first picture is when I got her, the others are what it looks like now. Now I'm not saying that this would work for everyone but mine has grown and is flourishing in my tank. This sebae was the size of a small saucer when I got her, she is now bigger then a big dinner plate. The pictures of her now are a little faded out compared to what her color is. She is a healthy brown with purple tips. My black clown takes really good care of her also. I make sure there are a few pieces of small krill when I feed so that my clown can feed her. I have had to move corals out of this tank as she is taking it over. I love this anemone......

30g cube, with 130w coralite pc lighting. I have had this sebae for over 2years now.



my bta has more than doubled in size but the color and shape was my concern on my bta
I'm looking into the MH upgrade now
time will tell I guess