BTA hunger strike??


2 days before Wilma hit down here I got my BTA to eat a silverside...normally it would take 2-3 but this time it only took one. Knowing that Wilma was coming, I tried to feed it some raw shrimp and silversides...but it would not take them. prolly about 2 weeks prior to this I traded in the huge maroon clown I had for a pair. Could this have stressed the BTA out? Since my power was out for 12 days, I had my BTA in my 12G eclipse tank at my work with 36W PC on it dicrectly. its looking better then it was at work but has barely any tenticles. Any one ever heard of this? I try to feed it now..cut silversides in small pieces and nothing... any imput would be great! thanks


I do 10G every month...sometimes every 2 weeks if the nitrates go above 10...I did 10G that Thurs b/c I knew the hurricane was coming wanted to get everything as low as possible. other then that
Temp 78-80
Am 0
Nitrite 0
nitrate right around 10
Lights are a Corallfe 260w PC plus right now since it went 4 days without any direct light b/c of no power...I keep a 26W PC directly on it just for some extra light
I've had it since May with no problems The bulbs are about 6 months out so they are due to be replaced this month. I actually just accepted some pieces of a silverside chopped up nice and small. so lets hope that helps regain its strength.


I am far from an expert on anemones, and there are folks on this forum that will disagree with me, but please keep in mind, I am trying to help and advise.
Thanks for all the params, but unless I missed it, I didn't catch how big the tank was or what other inhabitants are in it. So, it is hard to judge lighting and a couple other things.
For me, personally, anytime someone indicates they do monthly water changes, that makes me nervous. At minimum, some amount of water should be changed religously every two weeks, once a week is best. The golden touted rule is 10% every week, or 20% every two weeks. I am a big fanatic in water changes, I have 3 saltwater tanks, all have live rock and 2 have inverts in them. I do a minumim of 20% every week and once a month I do even a bigger water change like 30 up to 50%. It has never hurt my animals, and in fact my fish love it after they get over the stress of my monkeying around in their tanks, scraping algea, stiring things up, but it's a must to be clean. I have 2 Tomatoe clowns and they spawn every time the day after I do big water changes. It is the most basic thing that is the most important in tank husbandry. OK, I will get off my soapbox. Can't help it, I just think water changes are so critical.
How about current? Please tell us the gallon size of your tank and how many power heads and what output they are. Maxijet 900, 1200 or what? I know from my personal experience that my bta like current, but not so strong that he is bending his fleshy part of his body from the current, just flowing tentacles.
However, my Condy, seems to dislike current. He is a traveler and he will always move to a spot in the tank where there is very little current. They do say that anemones will move to a spot in the tank they are most comfortable, which I agree with. And followig that understanding, my condy does not like current. So what is the current in there?
Sorry about all the questions, but trying to visualize the full situation to give my advise the best I can.
How often are you trying to feed your bta now? I think that small feedings every 2-3 days is fine. Is your guy inflated or is he shrunken down and staying that way. Any pictures you can post?


Did it loose any coloration during the time it was removed from one tank to another?
Could just be some type of asciimation shock, since it went from one place to another it may very well be simply storing energy for a move which it feels is necessary.
Also some anemones do seem to do better with a clown fish, however it doesn't have to have one. Is there anything in the tank that might bother it, since the Maroon would have surely kept away all predators.


Thomas, good point. I totally agree. I think BTA's do so much better when they are hosted by clowns. I had a BTA early on and he was happy when he had his clown, but then the clown died and it wasn't long after that the BTA died.
I have a mated pair of clowns with a BTA (hehehe thats my Jack and Jill and Hill collection) and Hill just loves his little Jack and Jilly Jilly Jilly. I think it does matter and it helps the BTA feel more at home and close to the wild. Not necessary, but it does help their state of mind, if they have one in a sense.