I am far from an expert on anemones, and there are folks on this forum that will disagree with me, but please keep in mind, I am trying to help and advise.
Thanks for all the params, but unless I missed it, I didn't catch how big the tank was or what other inhabitants are in it. So, it is hard to judge lighting and a couple other things.
For me, personally, anytime someone indicates they do monthly water changes, that makes me nervous. At minimum, some amount of water should be changed religously every two weeks, once a week is best. The golden touted rule is 10% every week, or 20% every two weeks. I am a big fanatic in water changes, I have 3 saltwater tanks, all have live rock and 2 have inverts in them. I do a minumim of 20% every week and once a month I do even a bigger water change like 30 up to 50%. It has never hurt my animals, and in fact my fish love it after they get over the stress of my monkeying around in their tanks, scraping algea, stiring things up, but it's a must to be clean. I have 2 Tomatoe clowns and they spawn every time the day after I do big water changes. It is the most basic thing that is the most important in tank husbandry. OK, I will get off my soapbox. Can't help it, I just think water changes are so critical.
How about current? Please tell us the gallon size of your tank and how many power heads and what output they are. Maxijet 900, 1200 or what? I know from my personal experience that my bta like current, but not so strong that he is bending his fleshy part of his body from the current, just flowing tentacles.
However, my Condy, seems to dislike current. He is a traveler and he will always move to a spot in the tank where there is very little current. They do say that anemones will move to a spot in the tank they are most comfortable, which I agree with. And followig that understanding, my condy does not like current. So what is the current in there?
Sorry about all the questions, but trying to visualize the full situation to give my advise the best I can.
How often are you trying to feed your bta now? I think that small feedings every 2-3 days is fine. Is your guy inflated or is he shrunken down and staying that way. Any pictures you can post?