bta in a 24gl


can i have bta in a 24 gl?
how do i feed it and what soes it eat?
any other anemones that a perc clown will host?


Active Member
24 is kinda small as BTAs get big . You will need higher end lighting for sure . They eat meaty foods such as fish , shrimp ,krill , zooplankton , and etc.
You should do some research on anemones before buying one . They take some specified care and require high quality water and good light .


Active Member
If you have soft corals then you can have an anenome. Their care is almost identical to that of a corals care and maintenance. Although MH are the "choosen" type of lights. You can have great sucess with PC's. I have a BTA in my 29 bio cube its small and they dont grow as fast as carpets or condi's. Good luck