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I have learned to just let them do as they please. But if it doesnt come out for some light after a few days it is stressed. Whats your params?
Agree on this- You do need to let any anenome find it's place in your tank, even if it takes awhile to do so. I got a bta a couple of weeks ago and it moved around for a couple of days, got into what looked like some really uncomfortable positions, and finally settled on a rock about 8" from where I placed it and is doing great. I would be a little concerened though if it doesn't settle down in a couple of days-it could indeed be stressed.
Another thing I have found with anenomes is that feeding them can actually be stressful, especually if they eat too much or eat too often. I like to get them settled in, fully inflated, and in a location of their choice before I feed them.
How is yours doing now? still hiding?
Here's a pic of mine after a couple of weeks, with it's new best friend and protector.