BTA & lighting


:notsure: I have a question about my BTA i got one couple days a go and I still have a 15W lighting. will the BTA surrvive under 2 65W PC's ?... how many more days or weeks do i have before the BTA is gonna die
Thank you for the info :help:


2-65 watters should be fine, seems to me someone else is keeping an RBTA under the same amount of lighting in a 29 gallon tank with no problems and even good results. Let me look that up for ya.


No problem, thats what I'm here for,... well that and a little comic relief. :D

barry cuda

I'm beginning to question how much light RBTAs really need. I've read on another board that they often thrive at 130-200 ft...if this is the case, it would follow that spectrum is more important than intensity. I'm considering trying to keep one in my 100g under 4x65W PC, but I'm not confident enough yet that it will do well under that lighting.
Also, can anyone elaborate on what water conditions BTAs are most susceptible to? Obviously we're looking for ammonia/nitrites zero, nitrates as close to zero as possible. Are they sensitive to pH? Are they noticeably affected by alk or CA levels?


Active Member

Originally posted by Barry Cuda
I'm beginning to question how much light RBTAs really need. I've read on another board that they often thrive at 130-200 ft...if this is the case, it would follow that spectrum is more important than intensity. I'm considering trying to keep one in my 100g under 4x65W PC, but I'm not confident enough yet that it will do well under that lighting.
Also, can anyone elaborate on what water conditions BTAs are most susceptible to? Obviously we're looking for ammonia/nitrites zero, nitrates as close to zero as possible. Are they sensitive to pH? Are they noticeably affected by alk or CA levels?

I don't think they go that deap. Anemones are shallow water dwellers, but I do not know the exact depth. I do not think an anemone will do well in your tank with that lighting.


Uh....$320, I had to buy the ballest sepratly, but the MH unit w/o the ballast was 119.00 or so if you have an extra ballest alot cheaper , WOHO
I can't wait to set them up


Active Member
The light output is significantly higher in DE bulbs.
70w DE = 150/175w Mogul
150w DE = 250w Mogul
250w DE = 400w Mogul