BTA lost its tentacles!!


About a week or so ago, I came home from work to find my BTA upside down on the sand bed.. so i flipped him/her over and went to bed.. Woke up in the morning and it was back upside down!! :mad: :mad:
i flipped it back over and it wedged itself between 2 rocks.. now it is pretty flat and seems to be growing its tentacles back..
anyone else ever had this happen before? or know whats goin on??


Active Member
What are your exact water parameters and lighting? How long have you had it? Are you sure the tentacles weren't just retracted?


Ive had my BTA loose all of its tentacles where it just looked flat. I realized I had some bad water specs and my salinity was low for an anemone. As soon as I fixed started growing back its tentacles over a period of couple of weeks/months. There was a post that I did. You can see pictures. Look for it through my profile.


salt is 1.025
ph 8.2
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 0
my alkalinity test doesnt show #'s, just that it is in the normal range
i originally bought it when i had PC lighting but switched to HQI recently.. only had it about a week or less when it lost the tentacles.. they seem to be growing back now!