BTA Move or not to Move


Last week I added a BTA for my Maroon Clowns it has attached to the back of a rock between the back glass and the rock. The clowns found it and are hosting
. But since it attached in the back I no longer see my clowns. I was thinking turning the rock so the BTA is in th front. I know it has only been a week so I was wondering let it be or turn the rock???


Yea I've had similar problems and I've been told to just leave it. Just wait for a while and see if it moves or stays. When I moved my anemone, he just went back into another hole so you can try moving the rock but the anemone is there because it likes the flow and lighting in that spot.


Active Member
This is very typical behavior of a newly aquired BTA...once its ready to get more light it will move or turn around and open toward the light...IMO, you should let it be...


Active Member
I agree, mine did the same and then about 2 weeks later went right to the front in the most lighted spot there was!


Thanks all I had that feeling but glad to have some reassurance form people who have been there.