BTA on the move!


Is their a way to keep my BTA from moving? I know their isn't a sure fire way, but has anyone had any success keeping one still for any extended period of time. When i first had it in my tank it would sit still for a week or so and now it won't stay in one place longer then a couple of days. It is now starting to climb up the rockwork and straight for my corals. Are there certain corals it will go toward or is it just coincidence that mine seems to head toward my leather? Will it war with any coral? I have zoo's, xenia, candy cane, mushrooms, and a green finger leather.


Ps. My clown has never took to it, but do you think it would help if their was a clown hosting in it?


He is moving for a reason, looking for his proper place were it will like the conditions like: water flow, lighting, water conditions, a place to hid its foot depending on what type of anemone it is.
Yes trying to feed it in a spot you like might make it stay for a while. I have one that has not moved in about 3+ years even when I moved it on its rock to another tank.


Well, I guess I will just let it find a place where it is happy. I want it to be in a place it likes, so I will just keep moving my corals around until it decides to stay put. I will also try feeding it. I tried that once already, but I guess it thought there was still a better place. It did find another place higher up on the rock, so maybe it was looking for some more light. It is set in it's place for the time being, so we will see. Thanks for the help