bta opinions (again)


Member bta is stretching itself out again and now it's getting in the way of some of my corals and zoos.
I think it's just getting way too big now, lol.
Need some opinions...
first, if I want to take it out and sell it...what's the best way to get it to release from the live rock? (I think ice was mentioned before, does that work?).
second, would it be best to take it to my lfs, or do they ship okay if I want to sell it here? and what price tag do these go for?
Finally...I need to get another anenome for my clown...any recommendations on something that won't get super huge or stretch out as this bta did? Also, would like something pretty to look at as well. :)
Thank you all!


Active Member
ya ive herd that ice works but havent really seen it. if i was u i would just sell it to ur lfs to be on the safe side.
and maybe a seabe or bubble tip would be good. they dont get as big as the one u have, but they still do get large. and now they have pink yellow and orange seabe anemones. they look cool


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
ya ive herd that ice works but havent really seen it. if i was u i would just sell it to ur lfs to be on the safe side.
and maybe a seabe or bubble tip would be good. they dont get as big as the one u have, but they still do get large. and now they have pink yellow and orange seabe anemones. they look cool

yeah, I was thinking of a sebae. The one above is supposed to be a bubble tip but since day one it hasn't had "bubbles" lol. I ordered from here and at first it was a little larger at the ends but then lengthened out and has looked like the picture since the first week.


i would move everything else befor i moved the anemone...and i would keep it :)


Originally Posted by jrthomas40
i would move everything else befor i moved the anemone...and i would keep it :)
it's only a 40 gallon tank and there isn't much room to move all the other stuff away from it. I've already moved the frogspawn and some of the zoos so I'm running out of room to put everything. It's stretching upwards now towards all the corals and live rock you see behind it (and pissing stuff off...I think it might have gotten the feather duster as it was next to it the other day and now the duster is dead...only tube least it isn't in the tube anymore, doh!...and a quite a few of my zoos aren't opening up much, including my cool tubs blues!).
So what does it look like to everyone if not a bta? I don't want to sound stupid if I call the lfs stores to see if they'd take it...


Well, I thought I've give it one more chance and just completely rearranged everything on that side of the tank so the bta is a bit higher up (since it's been stretching up anyways) and all the corals are moved away or below it. Hopefully it won't get the urge to relocate itself!
My maroon...she was soooo mad at me while I was doing all this...she bit at me numerous times! haha...she surprised me a few times as well, she can bite kindof hard.

luca brasi

I know what you mean! I got this one as a 4-6" specimen. It was less than 2" in the bucket.
It turned out to be "slightly" larger-
I've had to move almost every coral in the tank and my clown has bitten me at least 100 times since i got the nem a few weeks ago.


our gbta totally outgrew our tank within 6 months. we have a 92g corner bowfront and all of our corals had to be moved to 1 side. after we sold the bta, there was so much room for corals that we added 4 new ones within the first 2 months! the aquascaping is so much better now. when we sold the anemone, we didn't want to risk hurting the foot so we had the buyer bring a similar sized piece of live rock to exchange and she took the anemone and the rock it was attached to. the foot stayed attached to the rock during the 30min drive.