BTA Question


Lots of light an great water quality....
I got both and placed the bta near a crevice which it almost immediatly attatched too... Well heres the catch, the bta went all the way into the crevice... out the back of it and attached to the underside of an overhang in the tank... it will get no light where it is, is this normal?


Active Member
BTA's like to attach their foot under a ledge or deep into a crevice which puts their base in the shade. It should adjust to your tank and stretch out to the light if it is healthy. When it is expelling waste, or adjusting to your tank it is not unusual for it to shrink up. Do you know if it is tank raised or not? Also, if it doesn't like where you placed it, it will move somewhere else and sometimes they end up in areas you don't want them. The good thing about BTA's is once they find their "happy" spot they tend to stay there. Hopefully it won't be the back of your tank.


It should be tank raised its tiny. But other then that its tentacles are bubbled and bright green and as you said the base is nice and in the shade its been fully open since I placed it in and hasnt been shrivled up at all. plus if it stretches out from where it is now I will be one happy camper! Now to get the clowns to host in it.


all night it seemed happy in the same spot...
But 2 hours after lights on and it hasnt reached out for the light... its under the ledge and open but the base is small not stretched a bit.


Mine did the same thing.He moved throgh the holes in the rock and attached on the other side.He has since moved out more to the front and streaches out for the light.I have been feeding him 1-2 times a week and in 4 weeks he has doubled in size.It will more than likely adjust itself to a spot for light sooner or later.Good luck!