BTA Questions

au mister

1. Why is it that some BTA have tentacles that are very bubbly and some have stringy tentacles? I got a BTA and the tentacles aren't that bubbly. But he seems to be healthy.
2. Why do BTA shrivel up when they expell waste. It freaks me out when my BTA looks great and then I look at my tank a little while later and he looks terrible. After an hour or so he is back to good again.
3. I also placed my BTA up near the top of the tank b/c I read they need lots of light but he moved to the bottom of the tank. Does that mean he is happier there. ( I have read some BTA are harvested from deep waters and they don't like intense light) I have a biocube I know they dont have the best light but they have sufficent light (I assume).
I would paste a pic but dont really now how

au mister

Thats the thing is that i have had an anemone before. I had it for prob. 5 months and it did fine iwht the biocube stock lights. I got rid of my maroon clown because he was moving my sand everywhere. My coral beauty started picking at the anemone b/c the maroon wasn't there to protect it and it crawled into the dark and died. Also would it help to move the anemone closer to the top of the tank with more light. I tried that at first but the anemone didn't seem to like that and moved to the bottom. My first anemone did the same thing. He moved to the bottom and stayed there for about 5 months so I just left him alone.


Like I said it could linger for several months before it dies because the stock lighting in a biocube is inadequate. I have a 14g. biocube, I tried one in mine when I was anemone ignorant, it did the same thing. I think it was so unhappy it just hunkered down in the dark and slowly consumed itself. Do it a favor and sell it or give it away, in your tank with those lights it is doomed.


Now your talkin, in the mean time your anemone would benefit from additional feeding. You could soak the food in a few drops of selcon or zoe to boost nutrition. Good luck.

au mister

I Tooe your advice but went a little cheaper. I went to nano customs and ordered a mod light kit for the cube. I got the 50/50 bulbs