bta ?'s please read!!


would a bubble tip nem be okay with this stock in a 60 gal
1fuzzy dwarf lion(already have)
1valentini puffer(already have)
1coral beauty angelfish
1goldstripe maroon clown
1lawnmower blenny
1sandsifting starfish
1blue linkia starfish
10turbo snails
10blue leg hermits
5 cleaner clams
variety of different zoas
yellow leather coral
variety of mushrooms
thank you for your help


Active Member
Lighting is the first thing you need to be sure that is up to par and also how stable are the water parameters in the tank. Nitrates need to be low...


nothing good yet but this week im building a 4 foot light fixture for 2 coralife 4 foot bulbs. then this weekend ill get my anemone.
my nitrates are low and my amonia is at 0


i dont really now its a 60 gal long tank and its like 4' long and 2' wide
oh and there not little lamps its a fixture as long as my tank that will hold two 4 feet long coralife bulbs and two blue lunar lights at each end


Well-Known Member
Prolly gonna need at least four 54 watt t5 bulbs. I have my RBTA under 216 watts of t5's and 260 watts of cf lighting, but then my tank is kinda deep. He's fat&happy under those lights.


Active Member
4 lamps with individual reflectors min better with 6 if t5 if other than t5 or vho dont bother