BTA touching SPS Corals


I have a Rose BTA that recently moved and is now touching some of my SPS corals. Where its touching the SPS coral its starting to turn colors. the question is will this cause the entire coral to die? or will the rest of it live and just that little part be affected? I dont want to rearrange my tank everytime my bta decides to move. I kind of want to just let nature be nature.

yosemite sam

Active Member
It really depends on the coral, and how much of a sting it's getting. That's unfortunately one of the problems with anemones, if they decide to move, they can really do some damage. I'm with 05xrunner. You should really move the corals, or get rid of the anemone.


Active Member
i'd get rid of the bta if u hv lots of sps. so far, my bta is behaving. but if he ever moves, he is going into a different tank. what i did was have very strong flow at the top half of my tank to keep the bta at bay. i am not sure whether that was the reason he stays at the bottom. hes been there since june of 07


Active Member
I'd agree with that opinion, reason why mine resides in my refugium until another tank is set up for it. Killed or injured far too many corals in my tank.