BTA...Tricks of the trade? Feedback is appreciated :-)


Just squirt a little food near him when you feed the rest of the tank. DO NOT FORCE FEED, especially while it's new. I feed mine Mysis shrimp by squirting some near with with a turkey baster when I feed the fish each day.
Keep an eye on it in the beginning as it may move around to find it's "happy place". Don't try to move it. Anemones will go to where they feel comfortable in your tank, if you move it, it will just go back again.


Yea, I read that. My goniopora was in the perfect spot, which seems to be where the anemone wants to be (at least for the last 36 hours). I hope he moves 5" (in any direction) so I can put the goniopora back where it likes to be. So the anamone will just eat the frozen foods I feed my CB, clown, and cardinal? Will it process the microplankton I suppliment the coral with?


Yup, the fish food is fine (as long as it's not flake). I think it will filter the microplankton, but it won't get enough from just that.
The big thing with BTA's is water quality and lighting. Run Carbon if you don't already.


Water quality has been very consistent for the past 5 months in my 7 month old tank. Only significant change in the last 2-3 months is an increase in my Calcium levels. If my pH were a watch, it would be from Switzerland. From some other blogs I have read, I am led to believe that my salinity is too low. It is within the acceptable limits of my hydrometer. Should I top off my tank with SW a couple of times to get it higher?
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5
Phosphate: 0
pH: 8.4
Calcium: 400ppm
KH: 125.3ppm
Gravity: 1.0215
Temperature: 78F 78


Looks good.
IMHO a reef tank does better with higher salinity. If I remember correctly, you just got this halide, correct?
You might want to wait a week or two and see if the tank starts to run warmer and has more evaporation with the new lighting on it. This might cause an increase in salinity. If it doesn't, I would SLOWLY raise it over the next few water changes. I prefer to keep reefs at 1.023-1.026 depending on what's in there. I tend to run fishless reefs at 1.026 and reefs with fish around 1.024.


I started with a 90W CF, but changed to the MH in the first month. So, have had the MH for about 6 months. Then I think I will raise the salinity a seems to be the consensus.


Ahh, must have confused you with someone else. Sorry, I can't keep anyone straight lately.
yeah, I'd slowly raise it a little.