BTA Trouble


New Member
I bought this bubble tip 3 weeks ago. It had its tips out for the first week but since then it is always curled up and doesnt extend its tips. The color has been the same since I got it. The base is brownish and the top is white, it will not eat and its located underneath my lights. I have a 36 gallon tank with T-5, 36w of lights. To me it does not seem happy. I cannot seem to download a photo to show. All I can say is my water quality is good and temp is at 78. Please help me I dont know what the problem is.


New Member
No ammonia or nitrites, and nitrates are less than 20ppm. sg is 1.024. My tank is 5 months old. I just looked at it and its opened, but its tenticles are not extended.


Active Member
Are you saying you have 36 watts over a 36 gallon tank? If so, you have nowhere near enough light for an anemone.


New Member
how strong of lighting do i need? The local fish store I bought it from told me thats all they were using and thats all that I would need. I have no problem upgrading lighting I just dont want to go overboard.


Active Member
There is a lot of good fixtures that are 30 inches. I like the sunpod 150 or 250 watt 30 inch. It is a metal halide or shouldn't be more than $300. Without upgrading your lighting soon, your anemone will unfortunately perish. How long has your tank been set-up?


Active Member
Out of respect for this site we cannot post competitor's links. Just google 30 inch lighting fixtures. When you see one that you think may work. Ask about it on these forums before buying. Remember you want either metal halides or individually reflected t-5's.


New Member
I found the 30 inch Sunpod HQI Metal Halide fixture with lunar lights. It is a 150watt light with a 14K HQI MH. If this is what you recommend I will buy it. Also should I remove my hood from the top of my tank or should I get a glass cover for it? Will I need my t-5 light anymore?


Active Member
I think that light will work well for you. Now the t-5 that you have now is it a daylight bulb or actinic. If it was the only bulb it most likely is a daylight bulb probably around 10k. You would not need it.
As for the top, I would not recommend putting a glass top on as they have some negative effects on oxygen in your water and lowering your ph. You could either leave it open top, cut some egg crate(lowe's or another similar store would sell them) to fit, or pond netting also works. If it were me I like the open top look, however if you have fish that are known jumpers then you will want to make some kind of covering.
Let's hear what some other people have to say as far as lighting goes before you go off only my opinion. It is always best to have at least a couple people's input.


Active Member
What are your test results for specific gravity, ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate or anything else that you test for? It is possible that something else may be out of whack. Upgrading your lights though will definitely help not only your anemone but any future coral as well.


New Member
Thanks for the help. I have to talk my wife into letting me buy something like that anyway so it will be a few days.


Active Member
Haha, I hear ya.
By the way, to post pics try using, that is how I post all my pics, pretty easy to use as well.


Just my 2 cents-Your nitrates are kind of high, I try to keep mine as close to 0 as possible, a good size water change will help. Anemones don't tolerate nitrates very well, you should not let it get over 5ppm.

dive girl

I've never been to Wisconsin, but how warm does your house get in the summer? If you get Metal Halides, you may need a chiller so then you are looking at another couple of hundred. I believe that T5s run cooler than MH.
I have a 29G tank and started with PC lighting. After I got an anemone (my LFS told me that my lights would be fine), I upgraded to MH and a chiller (I'm in So Cal and it gets warm). I'm so happy that I got the MH lights. Yes, it was a big investment but everything looks better and I never have to worry if I have enough light.
Before I got the MH and chiller, I came home one day in September and the water in my tank was 84. I closed up the house, turned on the air conditioning and shortly thereafter invested in the chiller.


Active Member
I have yet to see 'overboard' lighting for an anemone. Your tank will heat up and youll have temp issues way before you overload.
I agree the sunpod is a great choice. I keep a 150w over my 24g AP and my nems are very happy (LTA and a BTA).
your anemone is sick, just your explanation of him being white on top is a dead give away that he is sick. Get him some lights asap, but understand that he will not be used to these lights so you will have to acclimate him, or more likely, he will crawl behind the rocks until he feels ok enough to handle the new lights.
Good Luck, keep us updated!


New Member
For the last 4 days I have gotten my BTA to eat some brine shrimp and it seems to be doing better, at least it opens up now and slightly extends its tenticles. I know for sure that I need stronger lighting because it reaches up toward the light to get more. I was wondering about a different light. I cant afford the MH light. I found a 30 Inch 2X65 Coralife Lunar Aqualight. The cost of running it would be cheaper and replacement of the bulbs would be cheaper as well. Would this be enough to turn around the damage that already has been done? Especially considering I bought it in a bad condition. I wish I would have done some more research before buying one because I should not have bought this one, it was sick at the lfs.


It's a hard lesson to learn but all is not lost. As for the lighting you described, I'd recomend T5's. Mine were pretty reasonable and the output of light exceeds that of pc considerably. Some people keep bta's under pc's but I would not recomend them. Since you are upgrading do it right.