I got a BTA a month ago and it has found a spot to hang in. The spot is about 1" from my Hydnophora. So far so good, but this BTA is maybe 3" and obviously will be growing.
So if they do battle, who will win? Is there anything I can do (short of moving the Hydnophora)?
Which one BTA or Hydnophora?
Both are easy. The BTA needs light. I have t5 and it is moving to the top of the tank to get maximum light.
The Hydnophora also needs light and is in the top of the tank.
Hence my dilema
Hydnophora is pretty potent. Recommended to be about 6" away from other corals I think because it can kill them. Not sure about the anemone, but I would bet on the hydnophora.
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Hydnophora is pretty potent. Recommended to be about 6" away from other corals I think because it can kill them. Not sure about the anemone, but I would bet on the hydnophora.
Hmmm. The Hydnophora was at least 6" away from everybody until the BTA moved in.
So far, no agression. We will have to see as I really don't have another spot for the Hydnophora.
You could wait and see what happens, but if they start, try to move the BTA, or if theres another way you could configure the tank for the hydnophora in a safe spot, that would be ideal. Just wait and see what happens.
Well the BTA is showing some signs of being stung.
He has a tenticle that is a little shrivled on the end and was putting off some mucus.
The Moronic BTA has moved right next to the Hydnophora
I think I will dislodge the Hydnophora and move him. I cannot have him zapping the BTA and then getting the idea that he can zap everybody else!
i had some hydnophora that took out some nice pieces of mine...i had snail knock it on to my nice orange acan colony and it stung it very good happened over night and it was not pretty...i traded it away it was a shame because it was such a bright green
So tonight there are clear signs of some discontent between the two. I ended up moving the Hydnophora 4 inches away. Hopefully the BTA will take the hint and stay put!