BTA with coral


I am considering getting a BTA for my two ocellaris clownfish. I was thinking of getting a BTA before I got the clowns, but it made me want to add one more when I got the clowns because they were both hosting a large BTA, so I felt bad I had to take them away from that
I have three other coral in my tank right now, I have a smaller frogspawn, a small colony of zoas, and a kenya tree frag. So my question is can I put a smaller BTA in the tank with these coral? Or would I have to remove the coral if I wanted one?


you can and almost every one that likes anemones do it, but anytime when putting a anemone in a tank you have to understand that there is always a risk that it will kill your other corals, i wouldnt worry to much about the zoos, or the leather, i have 5 RBTAs in my tank and the leathers dont seem to be bother by them at all and the zoos are pretty low laying, and if they are on the bottum of your tank BTAs tend to hang out about mid way up, mine have killed frogspawns heads many times and i expect that they will do it again