BTAs too close?


I have had my current BTA for two months now, it is healthy and stable on a piece of live rock. I purchased a RBTA two weeks ago and it is also doing well. The only concern I have is that the RBTA found a comfortable spot to sit about two inches from the BTA. When placing the RBTA into my tank it had plenty of room between it and the other BTA. Should I intervene and move one anenome, I do not want to the harm the foot. I can move the rock one of them is attached to, but is this a wise move, or will they simply live together and if one shows aggression move?
My lighting is VHO and is strong all the way to the bottom of the tank, so light placement is not an issue.


Greetings and welcome to the board

My opinion is this. Unless the Bubble tips are clones from the same anemone, then the potential for warfare will still exist between anemones of the same species.
In a nutshell, no guarentees that it won't be a problem.


I carefully moved the rock with the BTA attached away from the RBTA. The BTA does not seem to mind the move, hopefully I prevented any fueds. Since the move, the RBTA has opened its bloom more. Everyone seems comfortable. My clowns will hopefully move in soon. Thanks, Thomas.