Bubble Algae


First off... please forgive me if this has been covered recently... I have a 2 year old child and a 6 week old baby at home and have zero time to peruse the boards these days!
I have all of a sudden (after 5+ years) gotten bubble algae in my tank. I vaguely remember that if I remove them and they pop, I will have much more bubble algae.
So my questions are... 1) Does it need to come out? I actually think it's pretty cool looking! 2) If it does need to come out, how do I remove it without popping the bubbles?
Thanks guys... hope to be back here more often once the small girl learns the meaning of the word "NAP"!! ;)

ed r

Some people have luck with the emerald crabs, but many do not. Having a little bubble algae that you don't mind looking at is ok. That is as long as the conditions in the tank don't change to where it suddenly starts to take over the tank. I would recommend removing much of it manually, when you have time. If you can knock it loose and siphon it out, that is pretty easy. Also I have yet to see any proof that breaking the bubbles causes more growth. I would try to avoid breaking the larger ones, if possible. Again, if you are siphoning, any spores or such that might be released should get sucked out right away. It is probably safer to siphon out the bubbles with your powerheads shut off. Otherwise some loose ones get blown away to where you can't get them. Then they will reattach in the least convenient places.


Active Member
again, emeald crabs do sometimes work, our is a hard worker, and some tangs may eat it, adn it is not a questioon of which types but which ones in particular(kinda like who likes liver amongst us, some do and some don't where it has nothing to do with being human) our tank at work has a yellow tang taht loves it h owever our one lfs has sen none that do adn she is a good lfs owner who has been at it along time
as to whether or not it will hurt, one thing about bubble algae, it can get large enuf and strong enuf to tip over the rock work, so i would try ot keep it under control