Bubble Algae


New Member
When I set up my my tank and let the water cycle, there was a short period of time when some bubble algae formed. Now that I have my water just perfect, I dont have any new algae forming, just still a few spots of bubble algae. My question is; what types of animal eat the bubble algae? I have heard many different answers to this question and trying to pinpoint. Anyone seen thier different animals eating this specific algae?
Thank You


Emerald crabs will seek out the stuff and they are shy and won't hurt much else. I have 4 in my 75.


Red Sea Sailfin Tang ( < 15% likelyhood based on articles I've read)
Fox Face (mine eats some of it but not all of it)
Emeralds will eat certain types of it low in the tank, but won't climb very far - at least none of mine do.
Although I have no experience with them, I have read that Sally lightfoot crabs also eat it, but will also eat coraline algae and they may be a problem with some fish.
Try to remove the rock from the tank and clean it off by hand. When I couldn't get to certain parts of it, or it grew back, I used a cheap soldering iron from Radio Shack and burned it off with the tip of the gun. Obviously, this should not be done in water ;) or if it is close enough to some other life form that will cause you to injure the other life form, but it worked.


I have wanted to put some Emeralds in my tank but I seen one eat an duster at the pet store, so no thanks.