Bubble Algea on Live Rock


I received about 100 lbs of live rock that had a severe case of bubble algea. The person had put in too much super buffer by accident and killed everything but two fish off.
I've got it in a tub with a lid and power head right now. Most of the bubble algea has died off. Question is, do I use the live rock or should I scrap everything off that remains and start from scratch?
How about the two fish. They're in a QT right now. Should I put them in my DT? Kind of nervous about it.


Active Member
Once bubble algae pops it releases spores which creates even more bubble algae. I had a pretty bad outbreak and I got it under control by gently removing it with the tip of a turkey baster and sucking it out. I have popped a few this way but not near as many as other ways I tried. I would not destroy everything else in your rock for bubble algae. You could also try an Emerald crab, it may help and they are a great add to the clean up crew.


I had some bubble algea on my rock when I first cycled the tank. I added a yellow tang and it was almost all gone within a week. It especially liked the red kind.


Active Member
Another good way to remove bubble algae is to use the siphon tube you use when doing a water change. Just run the end of the tube over the bubble to dislodge. Even if it pops it is sucked up by the siphon and removed from the system with the water you are changing out.