Bubble Algea


I've noticed several spots of bubble algea in my tank. How do I prevent anymore from showing up? Also, I was told that though an emerald crab may eat this, they have to burst the bubble to eat it. Won't this spread the spores? Is tanking the rock out and scrubbing it the only way to get rid of it?


Do a topic search on this board for bubble algae. I know there have been a few posts on this subject on here.


Active Member
Some people suck it off the rock with a syringe or turkey baster. I found out that if you have alot of it on a rock it doesn't really work that well.
Many people also say not to take it out and scrub it, but that's what I did. When I did a water change I used that water to soak it in while I brushed it with a nylon brush. I then rinssed it with the remaining waterchange water and put it back in the tank. I have button polyps on the rock that came as hitch hikers, so I was careful as possible. Looks like they're slowly coming back.
Good question about the Emeralds... I know the'll eat it, but as far as breaking the bubble I don't know. :D


My LFS also recommended I take a toothbrush to the rock...when it was out of the tank.
I'd much rather get rid of it right the first time and figure out why I have it in the first place.