I for one would certainly like to know how does a emerald crab eat bubble algae and not bust the bubble, yet everyone says if your removing bubble algae be carefull not to bust the bubble......
Anyway, I use a turkey baster to remove any that I may acquire. I sort of ground or sanded the end of the baster tube so it has a slightly sharp beveled edge instead of the typical blunt end, place it over the bubble and let the bulb on the baster loose and just slide or twist tube while its over the bubble, and up the baster tube it goes usually intact........I just got a book some kind of MArine Encylopedia, and in it it states Bubble algae is actually a beneficial algae and its highly over rated as being so troublesome........so go figure........In yet another magazine (coral Magazine) the recomended method of removing aipstasisa is "mechanical" contrary to what everyone else says about not allowoing it to get any tiny pieces free in the tank as it can supposedly spread by those pieces.........Supposedly Peppermint shrimp eat aipstasia, but none of mine touch it, unless its injected with a drop of lemon juiceand once it sort of blows up they pounce on it.......other than that they do not bother it.......Sorry for getting off the bubble algae track!