Bubble Anemone - feeding question



Hello all!
We have a sw tank that got passed on to us a couple of days ago. It has been going for a couple of years now, so this is not a new set up. It currently has 3 anemones (among all else) - 2 of them are bubble anemones and one is a Curly Q anemone. I tried feeding all 3 today (thawed out krill) and both bubble turned it down (CQ was fine with it).
Any ideas? These are new to us, so I don't know if they could just be picky about their food, or if they are reacting to the move this way... Both acted like they were going to eat at first - started curling inwards - but stopped and let go of the food within a few seconds.
Also, both are moving around the tank a lot right now, so they are here one hour and gone the next - what if we can't reach them to feed them? We have one of those feeding sticks you put the krill on, but it can only help so much when they are between or underneath rocks. I have read that it is not proven that clown fish actually feeds the anemones (we have 2 cinnamon clowns, one of them is constantly in or near the bubble anemones), so I'm afraid to just let them get out of my sight without making sure they are getting food.
Thank you for any information/suggestions!


The anenome moves around because it stress or doesn't like the environment, too much flow, water param, temp, light, etc. So while it moves around, it less likely to eat. Plus if it goes under the rock, be very carefull .. if it doesn't come up for 2 days, please help them by turning the rock. If possible do not remove them from LR if they are attached to it.
What BTA like to eat? Well, some anenome prefer silverside, some prefer squid, etc .. but since your tank has been established for sometimes, the previous owner should know what works. So rather than frustrate your self and possible risking the anenome too .. just ask the previous owner.
So check the water param & temp. If they are OK, make sure your power head is not blowing directly to the BTA (they hate that) and some BTA doesn't like strong light (this is one of the reason they hide under the rock).
Welcome to the hobby and good luck.


Thank you for your response!
I think one of the BTA settled in a spot it likes, but it's still did not eat today. I will try again tomorrow and hopefully it does better. The other one is still roaming around. To the best of my knowledge, we have everything set up pretty much like the last owner had it (including the lights, water flow, etc - even the food is what he gave us). That, I think, is the most puzzling part. But it makes sense what you said about not eating when stressed. I hope it finds a spot it likes soon and it helps with the feeding.
Thank you for your help!


Active Member
with BTA's it is very common for them to explore your LR for a while until they find their spot. It is also not uncommon for them to hide out for a few days until they are comfortable with their surroundings. Even then they tend to stay footed deep within a hole in your LR and extend out when the lights come on. They do this for security and a feeling of safty. Acclimating itself to your tank can be stressful and its best to let do what they want and just make sure you can see them at all times in case the worse should happen.
And its not uncommon for them to be picky eaters too. I have had mine throw back a piece of food a few times. Make sure their tenticles are sticky their mouths are not gapping open and their color is good. Other than that observing them is key.


Active Member
they could still be under stress due to the move. i am sure u hv added new water to the tank after the move. they dont really need to be fed anyway. they can live off light. wait til they settle down, then try to feed them agin in a week.


Thank you, everyone, for replies. We checked with the previous owner, and he said he never actually fed the BTA's - he only fed the CurleyQ. We have tried to offer food again and they still don't seem interested, but I am less concerned now. They seem to be doing OK - we keep a close eye on them just in case. The female clown can't get enough of them!
Thanks again!