Bubble Anemone


New Member
Hey guys, first let me say this is a first rate site, lots of good info for beginners like me...Have a question, have had my tank for couple of months now, have had my ups and downs, more ups since I started coming here and reading all the great info. Bought a bubble with a maroon clown, lovely pair, at first the bubble would extend upwards about 5 to 6 inches and be wide open, her little finger tenticles were always moving...have recently switched to double 110w compact lighting as recommend for reef tanks, all corals doing great since the change but I'm worried about my bubble. She hardly extends out anymore and when she opens up its just enough for the clown to lay on her. Her tenticles are no longer moving. The clown still takes her food so she is eating. Guy at pet store says this is normal cause since the light change she doens't have to work hard for food and light....Is this true or should I be worried...Thanks in advance for your help...sorry for the long post....


Active Member
When I changed my lighting everything seem to not extend as much???My anemonies,and some corals just stopped streching as high.I would'nt be worried unless it stops eating.