bubble anemone


i just recently put a bubble anemone in my tank..it has moved twice..and now it is hiding...is this normal behavior? last night the tentacles were out swaying and this morning it looks like it has moved farther in a crevice and can barely see it....i need to feed it but cant get to it...grrr...


First questions
What kind of lighting do you have?
How old is tank?
What are your water parameters?
Let's start with those


same prob here! 30 gal... 36" by 18 deep i think. ph/dkh good. nitrates a little high here. need to do a water change tomorrow. t5 lighting...2 12k, 2 actinic. have a touch of phosphates in the water.
my tank is 6 months old.


I had bought a bbt anemone and the secound day i had it it went in between two rocks, but the amount of light it wasent getting in there it was out with in two days. I do watter changes all the time and all my levels are always pretty good. It might not stay in there,they move around until they find there place. I agree with meowzer though lighting, water quality and how long your tank has been established is all very important. And if i remember anemones like a lot of flow. correct me if im wrong, i know my two anemones are both in areas where there is more flow then othere. I also read that helps dispose there waste. anyways sorry for the babbling.


what is the best to feed this bubble anenome? i offered shrimp pieces? ate some other day but not interested now...hmm...what about bottled stuff from store? to target feed...what should i use?


Make sure the shrimp pieces are small....you only have to feed it once maybe twice a week....I feed mine raw shrimp, scallops, clams....but pieces that fit suit the anemone...MY BTA has grown quite a bit...IDK what size yours is...the small the anemone the smaller the food....DO not try to force it to eat
I lay a piece of fish on mine....and it disappears in seconds....If it did not want it, I am sure it would just let go of it