Bubble anemone


I would imaine that most of you don't remember me but in the past I posted several messageson this site. I am sorry for me being gone for so long but I have had family business to attend to. For anyone who remebers me I would like to say hi, and for everyone else hello for the first time. My tank has been doing great and I plan to have pictures on the net for every one to see very soon. I think the new forum looks great. I do have one problem though with my tank. I have a bubble anemone that is about 8 months old and within the past 2 to 3 weeks it has gone from large and pink to very small and white. It used to be the size of a softball and now it is the size of a golf ball. I was feeding a different type of food that my clownfish easily go ahold of and would feed to my anemone. I have now changed to another typ of food and he doesn't get ahold of it quite so often. What do you think the problem is?????? Also, I have lost one cleaner shrimp and a saron shrimp in the last month, I don't know where they went and I never saw any remains of them but they are certainly not in my tank anymore. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and hello to NMreef and Boomer and anyone else who might remember me.

dave espi

New Member
I will assume you tested all your water parameters, and have done a waterchange already.
have you added anything else to the tank or done anything else different than the food? I think it may play a minor role in this. Chances are it is unhappy and has expelled its xouxanthalle. It is about 2 years old I assume? they tend to do that over time.
how old are the lights? perhaps they shifted spectrum...
once they bleach... its down hill from there.
sorry dude.