bubble coral, on the sb or the lr?


Where is the best place to put these guys? I've had mine for about a month, and he was originally on the rocks because I thought it looked better. Then I started seeing pictures of them on the sb, and it got me thinking. I ended up moving him because he kept falling off the rock he was on, so now he's on the sb.
I'm moving the tank this weekend to a new appartment and I'm going to rearrange the rocks and add 20lbs to the dislpay. Should I arrange a good spot on the rocks when I move, or should i keep a nice open space on the sand?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gexkko
Where is the best place to put these guys? I've had mine for about a month, and he was originally on the rocks because I thought it looked better. Then I started seeing pictures of them on the sb, and it got me thinking. I ended up moving him because he kept falling off the rock he was on, so now he's on the sb.
I'm moving the tank this weekend to a new appartment and I'm going to rearrange the rocks and add 20lbs to the dislpay. Should I arrange a good spot on the rocks when I move, or should i keep a nice open space on the sand?
ive seen them both ways ,personally i keep mine on the sb. i dont think it makes a difference one way or another.


I have mine on the sand bed as well though he started out on the rock. he has done well in both spots, low flow medium light and spot feed when ever