Bubble coral size


I'm wondering how big a Bubble coral will get? Mine's in a 90 gal. Also how long do they live? I've had mine for about a year and the friend who gave it to me had it for over 10 years. It seems like it's just getting bigger and bigger. I measured it a couple of days ago and it was over 11 inches on its long side. Do they just keep on growing as long as they live?


Itll keep growing as long as you support its needs. You should probably frag it, and give me some

If you really want to frag, give me a heads up if you need some help.


You mean it could just grow til it fills up the whole tank? eeek.
I don't know a thing about fragging. Is it like amputation? How is it done?


No, it reaches a max size according to your tank, so it wouldn’t ever take up the entire tank (not enough lighting, space, nutrients, can't support its own biomass, etc).
Fragging is a way of propagating new corals from larger corals, its like forced asexual reproduction. Generally fragging takes place when the chosen coral is getting too large for a tank. If a coral has spread over too much space, as they often do, sections are cut off the main colony and generally glued or secured to a small piece of rock. The frags can then be sold, traded, moved to different tanks, etc. The fraggs, under the correct conditions, will grow into new healthy corals.
If youd like to attempt a frag, send me some pics and ill give you a run down of how to do it.