nm reef
Active Member
trusted LFS has a excellent bubble coral that I'd like to add to my 55 reef.......specs are 260 watts pc(2x65 combo..2x65 10000 k)..filtration..cpr bac pac 2r..100 lbs lr..40 lbs ls..current livestock..assorted polyps/mushrooms..trumpet coral..closed brain..star polyps..yellow tang(small & soon to be re-located)..red coris wrasse..tomato clown..dragon goby...been set up since 1/4/01..all parimeters are excellent(sg-1.023 ammonia-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-0 ph-steady @ 8.3 temp-80-82 calcium-400-450 alk-3.50-3.75 meg/l.........seriously considering adding this coral.....need input before going to lfs sunday.....as always thanks in advance for your time and input