bubble coral......with this ...will it work?

nm reef

Active Member
trusted LFS has a excellent bubble coral that I'd like to add to my 55 reef.......specs are 260 watts pc(2x65 combo..2x65 10000 k)..filtration..cpr bac pac 2r..100 lbs lr..40 lbs ls..current livestock..assorted polyps/mushrooms..trumpet coral..closed brain..star polyps..yellow tang(small & soon to be re-located)..red coris wrasse..tomato clown..dragon goby...been set up since 1/4/01..all parimeters are excellent(sg-1.023 ammonia-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-0 ph-steady @ 8.3 temp-80-82 calcium-400-450 alk-3.50-3.75 meg/l.........seriously considering adding this coral.....need input before going to lfs sunday.....as always thanks in advance for your time and input


Active Member
Well spoken Trey, I recommend at least 3" of clear area around the fully inflated Bubble coral. If fed properly it will grow rather rapidly and make room for itself by destroying any nearby corals and polyps.

nm reef

Active Member
Yup....well aware of the aggression.....and I've got room.......just a lil nervous movin up to this stage of my mini reef developement....and wanna be sure before I take the plunge.....thx gents for the response........

nm reef

Active Member
One more thing......Trey...its a 55 now....but I do feed it well and in time you just watch....it WILL grow..........I'm sure that with the proper care.....and lots of patience....it will someday mature into a well rounded 180.................:{}

ca reefer

New Member
one problem to watch for is the fact that they rarely stay where you put them, the BTA will move around till they find a place that they like (and they may move again some time later) if you have corals that you value, then you will have to watch closely


its a coral :D
bubble corals are usally pretty easy to keep
ivw had mine going on 4 years now
they do like a med/low water current


I have had my bubble coral for three years. It is very large! It's base has tripled in size. I do feed it at night, after the all the fish have gone to "bed". It has moved several times in my tanks - once it moved from the 37 gallon to the 55 gallon (lol).
I think the person in the previous post was thinking of a bubble anemone (sp?).
Good luck,

nm reef

Active Member
duhhhhh...(as my 15 yr old daughter says).......was askin about the coral.....do have a BTA also though....and mine stays where my tomato clown wants him to stay :cool:
as for the bubble coral......It didn't impress me much.....didn't feel right....but a excellent frogspawn did.....went with the force and got the frog spawn.......still lookin for the RIGHT bubble......I will find it........
and as always thats for the guidance........


It will not just guard it from other fish! I have a pair of perc clowns that live in a hammerhead. I can hardly put my hand in the tank to do anything with getting attacked by a 2 inch fish!