bubble coral: your opinions?


Active Member
This is the pic of the coral i bought off of ---- for 70 bucks!!!

this is the pic fo it in the tank....

i know that bubbles generally take a couple dyas to open up but the color in this one just looks pretty normal purpleish-pinkish to me. not the rare blue i was looking for....What would you guys do? Complain to the seller? or what?


Active Member
Looks like they photo shopped the photo to me. The least I would do is give them negative feed back and warn other bidders.


Active Member
I'm really bummed, thought i'd be scoring on a one time opportunity. Hopefully i can get a partial refund or something...


Active Member
zano, I remember when you posted about winning this coral and I was totally psyched for you.
This coral was gorgeous in the pic and it really sucks that it doesnt look like that.
I woudl however, ask the seller what lighting they had it under as sometimes this can make a big difference in the way the coral looks. Ask them what type of camera they used. And dig deep to find out if they lied.
I doubted that it will change to the pretty blue they showed you, it looks like a standard coral. What was the auction #? Did the auction say WYSIWYG or did it say the pic was a 'representation' of what your coral will look like. This could become sketchy. Either way, they screwed you and I would pursue this. You could buy a bubble coral like the one you got and any LFs pretty much, and pay less, and no shipping. So they gypped you I think.
Maybe it was taken under actinics? What does the coral look like under actinics for you?


Active Member
It may have been dyed as well :( But, the coral looks completely normal for a bubble, give it a day or so. Actually, I'll bet it's out in a matter of hours. I would ask about the lighting, but the rock in the first picture doesn't look blue, so I would be somewhat reluctant to think that lighting was the culprit. If it was dyed, I would dispute the payment immediately. I hope you used PayPal.


Active Member
ok, I sent this thread to my BF whos at work to check it out.
He works as IT director for a sucessful architect. firm and they use photoshop alot.
This is what he did to your pics in like 5 minutes. Lol.
By the way, Im selling the multicolored bubble for 300.00, and I only take personal checks.
here they are. I def. think somone could have photoshopped your pic given a little time and effort.



Active Member
contact the seller, I would return it and make them refund you the shipping. They flat out scammed you and the site you got it from should back you up.
Get your money back! you can buy a nice coral for the 70.00 you spent on that.


Active Member
How about a somewhat compromise? That coral may just be a plain ol' bubble, which is still a beautiful coral. Instead of shipping it back, why not find the fair value of the coral and ask for the difference to be refunded?


Active Member
Thats a good idea. the other thing is, in the pic is said that it was approx 4-5 inches. This things skeleton is 2.5 max.


Active Member
I have been burned by that site more times than I can count, unfortunately. It seems that they only sell "rare" coral. Which is their way out of things. Also I am sure the seller specified that the coral looks like this under his lighting and under any other lighting will look differently. It really is a bummer.
In the future research the coral for sale to find out if it actually can come in that color. Bubbles only come in brown, green, yellow, cream or tan. Never blue.
I do feel bad for you, good luck trying to get something back, but from first hand experience with this site, I don't give you much of a chance. At least leave negative feedback after contacting the seller. Good luck.


Active Member
Dispute the charge immediately through PayPal and enter a dispute with ----. Act quickly or it looks bad on you.


wow dude.. that sux. With the internet these days you can never tell whats real or not. Anyway, i have a question... The guy at the LFS sed sometimes clowns will go into bubble corals and use it as a house as if it were an anemone. BS or is it true?


Active Member
It's true as I've seen it, and is bad because it can irritate the bubble and cause him to close up and starve. They'll do this with other LPS as well. My clown hosts my sinularia (sp).


Active Member
Originally Posted by LAXplaya
how can i prevent the poor thing from dyeing???
At this point, I would put it in a low light, (on the sand) low flow, and see how it does. It may surprise you and come around.


Active Member
it wont die, the clowns wont be messing with them and the bubble shouldnt mind. I'd keep it where it is currently. Hope i understood your question :/