bubble coral


i just saw that my lfs has some bubble coral in. is there anything special that they require or anything that i should know before buying them? this is for my 75g tank with 2 175 watt mh.

nm reef

Active Member

Kipass4130...every time I see that pic I gotta say "WOW!!"...very nice!!
Bubbles do seem to prefer a lower current and can adapt to various lighting levels(moderate to high)...stable levels of calcium/alkalinity/PH/Temp are requiried...mine sits on top under 4x65 10k PC's & 2x110 VHO super actinics. They also respond real well to direct feedings of meaty type foods...but this will spped their growth rate. Below is a pic of mine from a few months ago...good luck with yours if you decide to add one...mine is one of my favorites!
NMREEF website
Ka is the wheel that moves the world...and the man or woman that rages against it will be crushed under its rim.


Active Member
Also, be forewarned, they can be a bit aggressive--I caught one of mine regularly stinging my ricordia, so be careful what you place within reach of their sweeper tentacles. I have heard, and my experience is agreeing with this, that they are more aggressive if placed in higher flow--lower flow, less aggressive.


thanks for all the info guys i am actually going to hold off for a few weeks. i ended up picking up some gsp i'm going to wait till my lfs gets a bigger bubble coral in this one was really small that they had. again thanks for all your replies i learn so much on here it isn't funny.