Bubble Eye


He has popeye. Beth helped me cure a clown with this.
Do you have a hospital tank? Beth will be able to help you more but for now I would post all the details of your water, what size tank, and anything else that might help. Saltwater Maracyn-Two is what she recommended for treatment.


Staff member
How long have you had the fish? Post up some tank specs, particularly all your water readings. Is the fish all right otherwise?
Try doing a large water change in the tank first. If this doesn't work, then the fish will need to be treated in a hospital tank with MaracynTwo for SW fish, double dose for 5-7 days. Just prior to each dose, do a water change and, if you can, run carbon for an hr or 2 before the redose. No carbon filtration during treatment, though, except for just an hr prior to a redose.


Staff member

Originally posted by Robb
Beth helped me cure a clown with this.

How's the little guy doing?


Staff member
The dosage is double what the package says. The instructions say double dose the first day. You should maintain the double dose for the entire treatment, but then do a bit of a water change just prior to a redose, and, if you can, use some carbon filtration just for an hr or so before a redose.