bubble in overflow tube


I have a tidepool 2 overflow box, and was wondering if it is possible to get all the air out of the u-tube. It seems to be working ok, except that i dont think its getting enough flow. any hints or tips as to getting the air out?


Originally Posted by watson3
Your mouth..Seriously, not flaming..
bah, i was afraid of that response. I have taken enough shots of salt water trying to get it started....


Originally Posted by earlybird
Did you try the airline hose? Doesn't that get all the air out?
close, but i couldnt get it all out. i still have two bubbles hiding out in there. one about the size of a quarter, the other about the size of a nickel.


I have a small hole in the top of my overflow tube with a airline hose in it. I have an aqualifter pump that pulls all the air from mine 24/7. You can put a check valve in the line too, and only run the aqualifter for a few minutes off a timer.


Easiest way is to start over and take it out try to position the airline at the top of the utube. Sometimes i could get all of the air.
You can wiggle and pull the airline to see if you can get the leftover bubbles.
And get a cup ready to spit in.


Originally Posted by dmc888
Easiest way is to start over and take it out try to position the airline at the top of the utube. Sometimes i could get all of the air.
You can wiggle and pull the airline to see if you can get the leftover bubbles.
And get a cup ready to spit in.

yeah thats pretty much the approach i have been taking.


I also had a few straggler bubbles and found that if I inserted an airline into one side of the U-tube then tipped the U-tube with side with the tube higher all of the bubbles collected to the higher side. I then could suck the air out. Any small bubbles remaining seemed to disapate with time into the waterflow.
Good Luck


Originally Posted by Waterworld
I also had a few straggler bubbles and found that if I inserted an airline into one side of the U-tube then tipped the U-tube with side with the tube higher all of the bubbles collected to the higher side. I then could suck the air out. Any small bubbles remaining seemed to disapate with time into the waterflow.
Good Luck
cool thanks, i think i will give that a shot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cj7eagle
except that i dont think its getting enough flow. any hints or tips as to getting the air out?
Needs to be a strong enough flow to pull the bubbles thru....a larger pump will help...


I agree with dogstar, use a smaller diameter U-Tube or increase the flow and the air will push out of there. You want to match the U-Tube to the flow as closely as you can on the chance any air gets in there you want it to get pushed right out. Makes for a much safer design.