Bubble Magus Skimmers



Does anyone know anything about these? Good? Bad? I have been looking at them and can't seem to find a lot.


Active Member
most sources like egay have them with the 220v pumps. there are a few us retailers but stock is always limited. they have models that use the aquabee pump and models that use viaaqua pumps (both with pinwheels). whatever the case if you get one make sure you get a 110v us spec model and from a reputable source. I dont have any first hand experience but from what I've heard performance is significantly better than octopus NW series, build quality is good (like most skimmers now), reliability so so on the viaaqua pump models and support is as good as the source you bought it from since they arent exactly wide spread (I think there may be two US sources with us spec models). the main source people have been buying is in NY and has ocean in their name. I'd still buy with caution, I doubt your going to access any factory support.


Thanks! Ok I have a question though. Are you saying that one of the pumps is better than the other?


Active Member
aquabee's by far. they are the same pump used on deltec, H&S, KZ and many high end skimmers. not that via aqua's are terrible, I use one for my return pump and have used them for years without issue but they are cheap chinese pumps (which is actually fitting since BM, Octopus, Vertex and AquaEuro are all basically cheap chinese skimmers). the aquabee's use far less electricity and are known performers. also known for great reliability.