Much thanks for any help/opinion that you can give.
The article regarding high nitrates and Zooxanthellae growth was here. I'm pretty new at this so I'm hoping my understanding of the article was correct:
I know I asked for it but the link has to be deleted, posting to other websites and competor sites is not allowed, I should have made the clear first..
To answer some questions:
1. How long were they that bad?
I was aware that my nitrates were elevated for the past year. My test kit always showed a reading between 20-40ppm. I ignored all the other signs of a nitrate problem and trusted this test kit. While working to get nitrates lower - I added live rock, got a skimmer, added denitrate media to canister filters, removed filter pads, removed biomedia, tried AZ-NO3, removed UG filter, removed crushed coral, etc. Turns out the test kit was old and the nitrates have been climbing for the last year. When I finally got a new kit it read of the charts 200+ immediately with no development time needed.
2. How about your other test scores for say alkalinity, calcium, pH ave.?
Ammonia -0-
Nitrite -0-
KH 10
PH 8.1 to 8.3
salt 1.025
Nitrate is now approx 5ppm
I haven't tested for calcium
3. Have you been doing any water changes with RO water?
I use RO/DI for top offs. I never changed more than 3-5 gallons of water at a time for water changes. A guy at the LFS, that the other employees obviously respected, told me that he hadn't done a water change in 3 yrs. That water changes were mainly for nitrate removal, everybody tells you to do it but he wouldn't if nitrate readings were stable, just add supplements as needed.
My tank now:
120 gal 5' tank
150lb live rock
3" argonite reef sand
1 Fluval 404 (I've put back in the filter pads, biomedia, and purigen)
6 maxi-jet 1200's
1 prizm skimmer
1 Sulfur Denitrator
PC 384 watts total 2- 10,000K Daylight and 2- True Actinic 03 Blue
1 Purple Tang
1 Blue Hippo Tang
2 Percula Clowns
1 Clarkii Clown
1 dragon goby
2 bar gobies
1 bicolor blenny
15 turbo grazers
15 other assorted snails
5 hermit crabs
1 coral banded shrimp
1 Derasa clam
1 Crocea clam
You say feeding is not as important as light. I was concerned about feeding him because I suspected he expelled most of his zooxanthellae and did his best to stay out of the light.
I have been feeding him a piece or 2 of krill each day for the past 5 days. I haven't seen him expell the krill, and I've been turning the rock he is on to the light. I have to actually put the krill in his mouth because his tentacles had receeded to nothing over the past few months. Should I cut back on the feeding? He seems to be improving. Tentacles are starting to show 1/8" to 1/4" in length.
The tentacles are clear mostly, and his body is marbled between clear and what used to
be his old normal tanish color.
Now he doesn't seem to be running from the light quite as much.