Bubble Tip Anemone Help Please!!!!


New Member
Im a newbie here and need advice on what to look for to find out whats wrong with my Condy Anemone.
I bought it two days ago and has attached itself to a rock and was doing fine up until recently. He attached himself in a cave in the rocks and has been sitting there since day one. But tonight Ive noticed that his tenticles dont look like they did when I bought him at my LFS.
Tonight they kinda look shriveled up. So I removed him from the rock (he looked stucked) and placed him on the flat rock in a different location.
All my balances are in the area they need to be. Is he sick? or what ? Hope someone can help me.
Thank you


Title says bubble tip.
message says Condy
Which is it?
Doesn't really matter. I've had both anemones.
Do not continue to move the anemone, by doing so then you only cause it stress. Anemones will expand and contract with water, this is normal, it will usually be expanded during the day and relax some at night. While it is new to your aquarium it may do alot of this almost to the point of deflating completly. It is most likely going to do this and move around your tank for several weeks until it finds a spot it likes to be in. If it is a Condy it may never find a spot, who knows for sure.
So you say your water is where its supposed to be, how about your lighting?
How many watts?
What type of lighting is it? NO, PC, VHO..what?


New Member
sorry about the mix up. it is a Condy. yes the water is correct no2 is 0 no3 no4 is at 0 ph is 8.3 temp is 79, for lights i have 2 compact floresent bulbs 1 -96 watts true actinic and 1- 96 watts daylight
thanks for the help