Bubble tip Anemone question


I purchased a Bubble Tip Anemone a few months ago, It was looking like it should look, until my paired cinnamon clownfish abandoned my LTA and took to the bubble tip..2 days ago the cinnamon's laid eggs next to the bubble tip, now the bubble tip has extended the tenticles about 4 inches and now looks like a LTA, my water is in check..so I know that is not the issue..any ideas? I do have proper lighting..for Anemone's..just don't understand why it would extend the tenticles, it has doubled in size since it's been in my tank..



That is normal mine doese the same thing sometimes it get really big other times it shrivels up, other times the tips bubble up. I think is fine just make sure the clowns are not bigger than the anemone because they may hurt it. Keep us posted.
Your lucky my clowns have not hosted my nem in one year they like the xenias errrr


Let me give you alittle history on these clowns..I bought the clowns as a pair..a year after I got into saltwater I upgraded my tank and when I did..the male didn't make it I found him dead under a piece of LR that fell, I ordered another cinnamon wild from SFW and the female ORA paired up within days..they have always been rough on my anemones, I also now have a paired Clarikii..but that is not an issue they remain on the other side of the tank..the BT is about I'd say now about 6 inches when fully extended, but the female is so aggressive with it..I feed it weekly with scallops that I gut fill with selcon..I just noticed since the clowns laid eggs the tenticles have extended..the color is still the same..and it hasn't moved since I got it 3 months ago...OH btw the way sometimes my female clarkii will try and host my toadstool...


My BTA's do this a lot, you'd swear they were LTA's sometimes. I must say, the one where my Ocellaris lay their eggs almost always has longer tentacles than the other two. I'm not positive of this, but my guess is that the clowns do something to make the tentacles longer when there are eggs around
Completely a thought though, I have no proof of this, but I will say that every time my clowns lay eggs, and they are religious with it, the tentacles extend much further.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382976/bubble-tip-anemone-question#post_3346105
My BTA's do this a lot, you'd swear they were LTA's sometimes. I must say, the one where my Ocellaris lay their eggs almost always has longer tentacles than the other two. I'm not positive of this, but my guess is that the clowns do something to make the tentacles longer when there are eggs around
Completely a thought though, I have no proof of this, but I will say that every time my clowns lay eggs, and they are religious with it, the tentacles extend much further.
I knew a few days prior that my clowns were going to lay eggs, they do the same thing everytime..the male will clean off the the area on the LR..for a couple of days..and I call it the clown "dance" next day..eggs..but the BTA still looks like a LTA..Eggs are located to the right.Smallest batch usually size of half dollar..


If I can find my camera tomorrow I'll take pics of all three of my BTA's, the two green and the rose, they all do this, even with perfect water readings and under 250watt halides and T5 actinics.


I've read and heard from my knowlegeable LFS guy that its from lack of flow.
So the new hosting of the clownfish could be messing up its flow or something if thats the case.


Originally Posted by Jstdv8 http:///forum/thread/382976/bubble-tip-anemone-question#post_3347388
I've read and heard from my knowlegeable LFS guy that its from lack of flow.
So the new hosting of the clownfish could be messing up its flow or something if thats the case.
I highly doubt this theory as mine do the same thing and are literally right in font of my MP40 powerhead.
I have been told that it has to do with where they were collected and certain ones just are more "bubbly" than others.


well, it can't be that certain ones are just more bubbly, the OP is saying that his was bubbly but now looks like a LTA.
Could have to do with where they were collected though. maybe different currents or parameters there that are hard to replicate.
the LFS guy who told me about the current always has bubble tipped anemones that look perfect. And a couple are in the permanant show tank.
I don't know the real reason, just throwing out ideas.


Originally Posted by Jstdv8 http:///forum/thread/382976/bubble-tip-anemone-question#post_3347388
I've read and heard from my knowlegeable LFS guy that its from lack of flow.
So the new hosting of the clownfish could be messing up its flow or something if thats the case.
Mine is also under pretty heavy flow, actually my whole tank has pretty much heavy flow, You can see in pic above with the yellow polyps, when I purchased the BTA it was under 0 flow. It has never moved planted itself between to live rocks, hard to tell from my pic..


They still grow like crazy.
I meant to put in that post that all of those pics were taken once the clowns hosted with them and laid eggs near them.