bubble tip anemone


i have been looking at these on saltwaterfish.com for 30 bucks. is it true that they really "split"? if so is it easy to care for if i have proper lighting? i have a moderate current, and a power compact lighting strip, i would try and place the anemone on some of my live rock, about 1/4 of the way from the surface of the tank. although i dont have one yet, if its not a difficult task, i would like to raise these guys, and trying to get them to split, trade them to the lfs for other supplies/fish
any advice?


New Member
Most Anemonies require very bright lighting to survive for any length of time. Are your PCs good lighting, maybe, but probably marginal at best. How many are you running, what wattage, what type, how deep is your aquarium. These are questions we need to know to help answer your question.
What are your water parameters, Amonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, etc? How often do you do water changes? Are you a diligent aquarist or do you skip over things until a disaster shows up. These are questions only you can answer.
Will they split? Yes and maybe and maybe not. It depends on many factors. Some split regularly under the right conditions.
Trying to place an anemone where YOU want it is a lesson in futility. They will go where THEY want. If you want to collect the clones your better off trying to get them to settle into the DSB or bottom of the aquarium.
It takes more than good luck to be successful with marine aquariums. It takes studying, asking questions and a sense of what's right for the animal. You are on the right track asking here BEFORE you buy.


thanx for the help. id like to think that i am a good aquariast. although relatively new, i have yet to lose an invert, and all my parameters are at desired levels. as far as the lighting goes, i hate to say it, but i have no idea. it is a custom sealife 2 24' bulbs i beleive with 10000k a day i think? just your standard pc light. and to the top of the sand is maybe 13 inches. is that too deep for my lighting? i know i dont have the wattage off the top of my head, but i can try and find out.


caz-I would highly suggest looking into metal halide lighting before you try for an anemone. They require lots of light, and normally pc's or vho's alone wont cut it, although I'm sure lots of people have had success without metal halides. IMO, metal halides, and stable water conditions, and your set. My BTA did not have halides for the first 2 weeks, and it was getting by, but after the halide was added, he opened right up and has been doing great since.


New Member
I'm sure you are a good aquarist. I've kept a long tenticle anemone under 4-VHO lights but the bulb tip require more intense light to thrive and that should be your goal, to have them thrive. It isnt good enough to have them just barely survive. Especially because you want to cultivate them through splitting.
Listen to suver569, it's good advice.


BTA's do not require Metal halides, in fact they are one of the few lower lighting anemonies.
I started with one under 380 watts of VHO over 3 1/2 years ago and I now have 8 in the tank.
E.Quad, RBTA, and normal BTA's are a hardy anemone that do not have to have MH lighitng.
Best to try to get your hands on are Tank Raised BTA's
cazmento - figure out the wattage of your lighting and let me know what it is.


Active Member

Originally posted by suver569
caz-I would highly suggest looking into metal halide lighting before you try for an anemone. They require lots of light, and normally pc's or vho's alone wont cut it, although I'm sure lots of people have had success without metal halides. IMO, metal halides, and stable water conditions, and your set. My BTA did not have halides for the first 2 weeks, and it was getting by, but after the halide was added, he opened right up and has been doing great since.

my anenomes always looked like crap when i had my PC's and once i got my MH they are starting to look great


We have had our BTA for about 2 months now and this morning I found it mostly split already. We're running 4 x 65w of pc, it has stayed close to the top more or less where we placed it with good water flow and a clarkii who took to it almost immediately. Have only directly feed it once or twice some bits of shrimp in the beginning, now only shoot some mysis at it with a baster say once a week. Its apparently doing fine, going to start a thread with pics in a minute, check it out.


fishking-Same here. My BTA was surviving, but definately did much better after the MH. Just my experience at least.
Oh, and as far as feeding, my BTA or my LTA dont like Mysis. I got a bag of shrimp from the supermarket, they're about 1-1.5 inches long. Drop one in every few days, and they chomp it down pretty quick. They seem to like it. I've heard lots of people using mysis, but mine spit it back out. I've also heard of krill, and mine will eat it, but whole shrim is much easier.