Mine nearly died yesterday because the live rock that it was on got knocked over by the fish. I managed to save it yesterday. I put it directly under the light, I feed it, I put it next to the power head so it got enough current. It was fine last night, my sebae was sleeping on it too. This morning it shrinked. Now what I hate is I don't know whether he's dead or alive. I tried to put it under the light again, it got slighty better by that. Then I tried to feed it, it ate part of it. I tried to put it next to the power head again, it got a little better. But now it's back to the way it was. What do I do? Should I just leave it if it's not getting better by tonight I remove it or what? Is there any other way to save him?
Please help, I don't want to loose him .
Please help, I don't want to loose him .