bubble tip anenome ( help ! )


New Member
I just received a small bubble tip anenome this morning and all day he has been having this thick white stuff coming out of the middle, extending up out of his body. What is going on? Is he dying? Please any info will be great. Everything in my tank is doing great. I have him all the way on the bottom of the tank on the sand. Thanks, Chad :help:


Active Member
what kind of lighting do you have? can you give us your water paremeters. we need more detail to hep you


New Member
I checked all my perameters yesterday before my shipment came in. Nitrates are below 20 and the amonia,nitrites and ph etc.. is all good. I have (2) 175mh metal haligens with dual ballest with spider reflectors and (2) 65 pc lights in my 75 gal. I have a purple tip anemone thats been in my tank for about a month , a green brain,colt coral,devils hand,MANY shrooms ( hairy,green,reds,blues) a toadspawn frag, alt of green star polyp (looks like grass) ontop of fish and they are all doing good. Did my water change 2 weeks ago and my perameters are reading good. Now this bubble anenome has move about a 1". Oh yea I for got, I have a wave maker also. Hope this helps you so you can help me.
Thanks, Chad


Active Member
Just to add that these are not insured because they have a hard time dealing with the stress..
It could just be that it is expelling waste or that it is dying. Keep an eye on it for a few days...


Active Member
my guess owuld be a coating of excess mucus and things from the stress of shipping. how long did you acclimate for?
what is your salinity?